- personal project - 4 posters I've designed inspired by the big demonstration for the animal rights that took place in my hometown on 13.09.2018. #dobrazmianadlazwierząt"- means "#goodchangeforanimals" - the sentence was paraphrased from the electoral slogans of the current governmentthe & has become a motto of the demonstration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This project was my personal initiative, I wanted to do it for people so they could share it & inform others about this event. The demonstration speaks against keeping animals in the cyrcus, keeping dogs on chains, killing animals on fur & ritual slaughter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The demonstration was organized by: OTOZ Animals, Fundacja VIVA, Otwarte Klatki, Fundacja Alberta Schweitzera, Koalicja Dla Zwierząt, Fundacja na Rzecz Ochrony Zwierząt Mondo Cane.